She brings it into the assisted living center a couple times a week and the residents get to hold it on their laps, pet, and cuddle it. It's amazing how everyone, including me, perks up when the dog is around.
I know that pet therapy is a good thing and I'm happy for this little pooch. I'm sure Mom misses our cats and this gives her a great substitute.
your right it is the cutest thing.
I was wondering how your Mom was doing sans the kitties. I'm glad she is getting some cuddling comfort.
By the way we adopted a flat-face-gremlin-persian kitty. She kept escaping the grips of her three-toddler owners to get to our caressing paradise. She is so cute and as playful as a pitbull.
Mary--Great to hear from you and about your new foray into kittyland! I bought a cheap scratching pad at WalMart that came with a bag of catnip to entice them to scratch on it. Now I pick up the bag and the cats follow me like I'm the pied piper! (Poo Poo has learned but Chiquita only rubs on it but doesn't scratch.)
Saw Mom today. She was asleep in the activities room when I got there. Holding a big stuffed white bear that was wearing lederhosen and a jester hat. The staff told me she'd been walking around with it most of the day and had been to the window to show it the snow outside.
Then someone brought in a beagle/jack russell mix that slobbered on Mom's hand.
About 15 minutes after that, the schnoodle came tear-assing in off its leash and headed right for Mom. Lots going on today!
They have pet therapy where Elbert is, too. Some of the residents love it but I noticed that Elbert wasn't particularly interested and that blew my mind... he was an avid fox hunter and had tons of dogs all his life but maybe it was because his dogs weren't pets. Who knows. But, the pets coming into the home is a great idea.
Pets are really excellent for residents. My mom's place had some pets come in now & then. I almost got a dog just so I could bring a pet.
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