My brother stopped by this morning and visited for a bit.
I didn't do any decorating except for the wreath I hung on the front door. I put out the red and green flood lights like last year but the snow came and covered them up. I never did get the electrical extension cords out to them anyway. Just as well, I suppose, my contribution to reducing green-house gases...no wasted electricity!
Merry Christmas to those that observe it, and Happy Holiday to all!
just wanted to stop by and say hello for christmas, hope you and your mum have a nice day together,
I remember when my mum was crying at things and calling for her mum, it's hard, but you are doing a great job and thank god for a sense of humour in all this!
Merry Christmas to you too. I'm sorry that things have taken a turn for the worse. It's awesome that you're able to be there for your mom. What a blessing that is. D
Hey Gavin. I hope you and your family have had a good holiday, all things considered. I had to smile wryly at your comment about not doing anything. I decided to pull out all the stops and put on a lavish Christmas (probably out of guilt about moving my Mother into a Home). Just as you say, she didn't seem to know it was anything other than a normal day of the year. It also became apparent that Mum was confused about where her home is, exactly (not really her fault, as I removed her from her flat this month, had her living with me, going to day care and now she's in a permanent setting, which she seems to think is a hotel).
I was distressed to read your recent observations of a decline with your Mom - I hope it was just a blip and that things improve a bit in the New Year. I continue to view your blog as how mine would read if I was a better and stronger person. I still catch myself attempting to reason with Mum. You are so much wiser.
Wishing you a Happy 2008.
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