And therein lies my dilemma. Do I let her work in the yard, which she clearly enjoys, so that she can get some exercise and fresh air? Or do I up her meds so she sits in front of the television like a zombie? I have chosen to let her work in the yard. My father dropped dead in our backyard essentially doing the same thing and everyone said, "At least he died doing what he loved."
Today, however, mother is paying the price. She is totally spaced out and has pain in her neck. She doesn't know where she is, what a "yard" is, or much of anything else. She does remember going to the cemeteries two days ago although she thinks we went this morning.
1 comment:
She enjoyed a few days in the yard. Today is worth the price.The grass will grow back one day and you'll remember that she loved her yard.You are a good son. Hang in there.
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