Well, they were at it again yesterday with a different twist.
Dementia Bocce!
This wasn't as popular with the residents as Twister had been but pretty ingenious nonetheless.
Four residents participated, each with moderate dementia. One in a wheelchair, one that uses a walker, and the remaining two able to get around without assistance. There weren't as many non-participating residents interested in watching the game as before either. Perhaps the large plastic Twister mat was something that drew more attention.
In the bocce game, the AD gently tossed a golf ball into the center of the play area. A portion of the lobby in front of the windows that look out onto the courtyard is kept clear of people, chairs, and sofas. (Maybe fire code regulations?)
Each player was given two croquet balls of a different color to roll towards the golf ball. The closest person would win that round. It was a bit like watching bowlers. Some roll their ball smoothly, others toss, and some drop. Luckily the floor isn't even so those balls that dropped rolled, too.
I noticed that the AD had made two teams of two each. I think that was to make sure there was more chance of winning since she would announce the closest as the winner and then include the teammate as winners of the round.
During the game, there was some mental stimulation as well.
Activities Director: You've got green balls. What things outside are green?
It was sad that Resident 1 looked directly outside at the courtyard but couldn't name anything that was green.
Activities Director: [Helping.] Well there's the trees, the shrubs, the flowers.
When it was another resident's turn:
Activities Director: You've got yellow balls. What things outside are yellow?
Resident 2: The sun.
Activities Director: Correct! The sun is something outside that is yellow!
All the while, Mom sat in her chair and seemed oblivious to all the activity occurring 10 feet in front of her.
I was more invested than she was, saying encouraging things like "Oh, that one is close!" and "Great job!"
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I'm still enjoying your posts here! Miss you Gavin!
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