After living in Southern California for 20 years, I returned home to upstate New York to watch over my mother who was suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. My brother and I did everything we could to keep her in familiar surroundings at home and avoid assisted living. We were successful until June 2009, two weeks short of her 80th birthday. These Alzheimer's Moments document her life and the challenges of being a primary caregiver.
How gorgeous ! I have flower envy. Dispite the never ending battle i know you wage with keeping the bulbs in during mom's weeding escapades. Here in the semi arid high desert gardening is unbelievably challenging - however my Dutch Garden Irises are doing so well..no camera. This company however, where i got the bulbs from in located in Vermont..and wow what a product. The bulbs in their second season are catalog beautiful yellow gold purple, deep blue and are multiplying dispite ME. Needless to say while i cannot eat them ( i am a firm believer in veggie gardens - just too damn hard out here in clay and burning sun) They sure do feed my soul. Thanks YOY for sharing the pics. i can almost smell them..delightful !!
You probably are aware of Dutch Gardens company but if not check em out on line. Great bulbs !
Your flowers are beautiful! Great camera as well. I wanted to recommend a read from Dr. Blaylock regarding alzheimer's.
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