Saturday, April 09, 2011

Surgery Complications

The past week has been dominated with my kidney surgery.

I made the decision to go ahead with the surgery. That, itself, was pretty uneventful on Monday. Tuesday was fine although I noted that when I sat in an upright position, I had quite a bit of pain that was relieved by lying down. It seemed like the stent they placed through the ureter from the kidney to the bladder was poking me on the insides. A stent is a thin, flexible piece of plastic they leave in to ensure that the kidney will drain and not get clogged with a blood clot as the kidney heals.

On Wednesday, I decided to keep my scheduled counseling appointment. I didn't consider that the half-hour drive would be made in the seated position. The pain started shortly after I arrived and I had to leave 45 minutes in. Then I had to drive another half hour home. The pain was excruciating the entire way home. I'm not sure how I made it.

I took a hydrocodone for the pain and ran for the couch to get in a comfortable position. The pain continued so I took another pill an hour later. Then my ureter started to spasm. And I took another pill an hour later. Then the vomiting started, caused by the pain and spasms.

By 9, I was ready to head to the emergency room. I hung in there, getting little sleep all night.

I called the doc the next morning and he prescribed an anti-spasm medicine and that has done the trick. I now await my Wednesday appointment to have the stent removed. It's a horrible procedure in its own right, but I'll be happy to see it go. This issue was on par with the agony I've ever experienced with any stone.

Once the stent is out, I should be kidney stone free (both left and right) for the first time in a decade!

All this drama put me out of the loop with regards to Mother Dear. My brother stepped in and picked up the slack. As Power of Attorney, he would have to be involved anyway.

After examining all our options, we have elected to leave her in the nursing home where she is in Vermont after they transferred her from the hospital. Even though it adds 15 minutes commute each way for us, it is practically on the hospital's property so she'll be close if anything should happen. The place in NY didn't seem very interested in talking to us, even if we could come up with the huge amount of money they were demanding up front. Disappointing.

Mom has been eating some, but still isn't doing well.

I lead a sequestered quiet life. But when I have drama, I make it worth my while!


Nancy said...

Whew, glad to hear you made it through the agonizing post surgery problem. No fun at all.

Thanks for updating us, been hoping it was going well for you.

Mom said...

Get well!

ArichNY said...

WOW!!! You have been going through a lot! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It's good to hear the news about your kidneys! I know it's difficult with your mom's condition. You are a good son. Love you!

DeMarie - Glitzy Glass Studio said...

I came upon your blog while searching for information on my mom's recent problems - she is 94, at home with me and suffers from Alzheimer's Disease. I live in Southern Cal now - Murrieta, actually - but was born in Albany NY and grew up there. Settled in East Greenbush for a few years and then took mom to Cali with me 2 years ago. I know how both you and your brother feel - Alzheimer's Disease is so hard to deal with - so many issues with health and so little help - hope you are doing well :) Thank you for sharing your journey!