Thursday, February 01, 2007

Momma's Relocation Company

I've decided to start a new company and my mother will be my first, and I'm sure best, employee. Forget U-Haul, Mayflower, and all those other moving companies. My mother has become an expert at relocating things. Of course, she doesn't remember what she moved and where she put it, but boy can she move stuff. Paperwork, mail, ceramic jugs, plants. You just never know what's going to turn up missing and where you're going to find it!


Max Ambrose said...

If only you could make a living at relocating household ojects you two would be in business! I look forward to your blog every day...keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

I like your posts. Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Press on!

Gavin said...

Thanks, canterbury, I'll keep trying to find the silver lining!